Plett Marine Mammal Magic

Plett Marine Mammal Magic

 "I was literally looking into its eye, - what depths of wisdom!"

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Everyone wants to be in Plett in summer, of course it’s when it’s all happening, yet there is a magical marine symphony that plays out in our bay from May to September that is well worth experiencing. Before I started Plett Villas I was blessed to work with a company closely linked to the ocean which I am passionate about. What I remember the most is the ocean encounters I experienced with the amazing mammals that live in or visit our bay.

One of my most memorable experiences was leaning over the boat and a Southern Right Whale coming right up to the boat and rolling over so that I was literally looking into its eye, - what depths of wisdom! The whale then took a deep dive and its tail almost touched me as it elegantly dipped under the water. In the winter and spring months, these Southern Rights can be seen from land and it is with delight that one spots them and can watch them for hours. They come into the bay to calve and often we see our regulars - some of which have nicknames due to markings etc.


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Then there are the common dolphins that visit our bay usually further out to sea and in large numbers feeding on bait balls. It is absolutely incredible to be amongst these dolphins while they ride the wake made by the boats. Layers and layers of dolphins all around you! On more than one occasion there were feeding frenzies with marine birds diving for fish as well as the dolphins and Brydes whales and, on occasion, sharks as well. Just magnificent!

A highlight was going out on the boat and hearing that there were Orcas in the bay. While watching these cunning mammals hunt seals I was beyond myself with excitement!
Of course, we have mammals that reside in our bay year-round, bottlenose and humpback dolphins, seals, sharks, and Brydes whales.

It is so uplifting to watch the dolphins in the waves while taking a stroll on the beach or spotting a great white near the seal colony whilst hiking Robberg Nature Reserve. This is their playground, hunting ground, breeding ground and we are so aware of how important it is to “mother our oceans”.  




I am passionate about the ocean and the marine mammals on our bay. If you would like to find out more let me know and I will put you in touch with the right person. There are many marine conservation efforts in Plettenberg Bay and surrounds.

Pictures courtesy of Ocean Blue Adventures (Plettenberg Bay) and Ocean Odyssey (Knysna)

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Plett Villas are running some fantastic specials from May to end November.

Contact us for more info!


Enquire by email at: 


Kind Regards,

Linda Packwood

Plett Villas

082 890 1033 (Lockdown telephone number)
064 743 5818  (Plett Villas cell)

Please note that calls and emails will be answered intermittently due to offsite office restrictions.